Web hosting is one of the most important aspects for any webmaster. What use would you have of your website if you won’t have any place to host it? And if you have to have a website that is the best without any technical bugs, you will do well if you choose your web hosting provider in advance. In that way, you will be able to have your website developed in a way so that is compatible with your web hosting company. Before you make any decision regarding any web hosting company, there should be some basic facts that you should be aware of. Otherwise, you will find that a wrong decision on your part can result in many headaches in the future.
If you visit the website of any web hosting provider, you will find some basic things that are common to all of them. For some people, price is what matters, and thus, the lower the price, the better it is for them. But you should be aware of the fact that cheaper does not always mean better. If you are being offered features that are the best and if you are charged a price that is the cheapest, then you should assume that there is something fishy going on. Well, you can be offered free lunch for a day, but no one can offer free lunch every day when he has to pay for that lunch. So, if you are charged one or two dollars for world-class facilities beware of the provider. He might disappear after some time. If you are going for free web hosting, you should be willing to work in a restricted environment and with very few facilities.
If you wish your website to function well, the two things that you should always look for are the bandwidth being offered and the disk space being provided. The bandwidth offered determines the speed at which visitors to your site will be able to access it and the amount of traffic that you are being allowed on the site. The more visitors your site is getting the more bandwidth you require. Similarly, the disk space that you require depends on the type of website you have in mind. You should look for the disk space provided by your web hosting company. The more data and graphics you are planning to upload to your website, the more disk space you will need. In addition to that, you should check to see how much you will have to pay if you exceed your limitation and what is their policy on upgrading to a better hosting plan.
One of the most important things that you should always consider in any web hosting company is its customer support. It does not matter if you have the technical expertise to manage your website. If you find that your website is down, all your technical know-how is not going to help you. The only one who can fix this problem is your Webhosting service provider. In most cases, he needs to reboot the server. So, the web hosting company should provide you support 24X7 365 days a year. The support should be reachable by phone or email, or by offering an online support desk. And in addition to that, the time that they take to rectify the problem should not be days but a few hours.
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